BeReal for Instagram

Instagram aims to develop a BeReal feature encouraging users to share unedited short-form videos of real-life moments, fostering authenticity and community. In contrast to the trend of curated content, this feature provides a safe space for genuine connections. It aligns with Instagram's mission to unite people through shared experiences, potentially attracting authenticity-focused users and monetization opportunities.

REI wants to be the #1 brand in the eyes of climbers. They plan to create an experience specifically for climbers, providing useful information every single day, regardless of whether the climber is climbing or not. They want to create an accessible and friendly platform for climbers to stay informed.

View Final Design

Project Type

Project Type

Concept project



Standalone App



4 weeks



1 Design Lead

1 UX Designer



UX Designer


This project was created as a part of the hackathon. I had 4 weeks to solve a realistic design problem: to transfer 1 innovative feature into existing brand seamlessly yet standing out.


Introduce users to the new feature seamlessly

Increase in user engagement with the BeReal feature

Increase in user satisfaction and perception of Instagram as a safe and authentic platform

Increase user-generated content


Secondary Research

To discover trends in current use of Instagram and how the new BeReal feature can use it I first decided to analyze the most popular Instagram features and its statistics from public sources because I worked alone on the project and didn't have resources for expensive research. I studied open research at and

I found out:

  1. Reels feature has the highest engagement rate among other types of content.

  2. Most of Instagram users watch Stories, and more than half of them publish them as well.

Competitive Analysis

To understand how's BeReal app functioning and who uses it and what are other analogs/prototypes of this feature in other apps I decided to analyze competitors apps - BeReal and TikTok Now and test them as a user myself, due to this I could analyze feature inventory and perform usability test on the transferable BeReal feature itself. I analyzed interfaces and task flows in BeReal app and gathered information in social media about TikTok Now app since it got shut down.

After analyzing BeReal app and TikTok Now I found out:

  1. TikTok had built-in feature in US and standalone app in other countries. Releasing a standalone TikTok Now app aimed to increase brand awareness and usage of Tiktok in other countries.

  2. Brands can use BeReal feature for promotion: main advantage is using UGC (user-generated content) as online advertising tool which helps to raise a brand awareness.


User Flow

After my research I've realized that both competitive apps were following identical task flow: notification - creation - publication, so I decided to keep the same user flow.

Idea #1: Moments as a new type of content in existing Instagram app

I sketched a few ideas after the my research. First option I explored was to include BeReal feature into existing Instagram app as a new type of Stories and sub-feature in Reels both. This option seemed more simple to incorporate since the app already exists and also it allows to keep UGC more private in Stories and be discovered globally as a sub-feature in Reels tab for creators.

Idea #2: Moments as standalone app powered by Meta

Second option I explored was to create a standalone app similar to BeReal but within Instagram style guidelines and branding.I have realized that including BeReal feature into existing Instagram app might be overwhelming for users with this diverse set of features and also conflict with BeReal's idea of authenticity and transparency.

Idea #3: Moments as widget for iPhone

I also took into account the widget trend spread by Locket app. I was curious: is it possible to make new BeReal feature combine both BeReal and Locket apps ideas? To answer my Q, I've tried Locket app on my own and sketched 1 idea how it could be implemented but then I've realized that widgets are highly private and exclusive type of content that people would like to share with very limited number of people, so this, in my opinion, couldn't align with BeReal feature.


After a consultation with my design lead and couple of design critiques I recommended to test with option 2, because it’s easy to implement since the task flow is simple and it would be easy to shut down if the feature won't be popular as it already happened with TikTok Now.

Usability Testing

I was interested in understanding:

1. How users will perceive a standalone app?

2. Will users understand the task flow of the new BeReal feature?

I went for usability tests to show people our prototype with 5 people who actively use Instagram in their everyday life.


  1. Your friend has invited you to try new Meta app, and you’ve decided to check it out. Tell me what you think of what you see.

  2. You’ve decided you want to try out this app and post what you’re doing to check on her too. How would you do that using this screen?

Usability test findings:

  1. All participants understood that the new app is connected with Instagram.

  2. 3 out of 5 participants were not familiar with BeReal, so they struggled to complete tasks.

  3. 3 out of 5 participants mentioned that they would like to interact with other users.



Since 3 out of 5 participants were not familiar with BeReal, so they struggled to complete tasks, I decided to add onboarding screens that will guide new users how to use the app.

Final Designs

Final Designs

Final Designs


To evaluate how users use our live version of the app I set the following set of UX metrics:

  • time to post a Moment & task success rate

  • user satisfaction

  • the number of registered users

  • DAU (daily average users) & MAU (monthly average users)

  • number of moments shared

  • average time in the app

  • number of crossposts to Instagram.

I couldn’t measure an attitudinal set of metrics because I didn’t have an environment for it since the design concept is not executed by developers.

To evaluate how users use our live version of the app I set the following set of UX metrics:

  • time to post a Moment & task success rate

  • user satisfaction

  • the number of registered users

  • DAU (daily average users) & MAU (monthly average users)

  • number of moments shared

  • average time in the app

  • number of crossposts to Instagram.

I couldn’t measure an attitudinal set of metrics because I didn’t have an environment for it since the design concept is not executed by developers.

Zena Dambaeva

Bringing design vision to life.



Zena Dambaeva

Bringing design vision to life.

